Christmas is coming

Christmas is without a doubt my favourite celebration of the year. I am fortunate that I love it so much as my full time job (for a National Trust property) basically focuses on Christmas all year round and now it’s a major theme in my shop!
With the restrictions of Covid-19 and many of us feeling the distance between us and our loved ones, I have a feeling good old fashioned snail mail will be even more popular this Christmas. I know that even in ‘normal’ years I relish sitting down and writing cards to family and friends and look forward to receiving them back with news of those I haven’t had a chance to catch up with.

So in the late summer I sat down to design some Christmas cards. I had a lot of fun trying different things and finalising them. Obviously I got all important feedback from my family and other half to perfect them!
The result is eight cute designs (even if I do say so myself!) inspired by nature, Christmas songs and Scandinavian tradition (my other half is Swedish hence the latter).

They are all available on here and from my Etsy shop and I actually entered one of my designs into a competition by and it was a runner up with some credit going to the wonderful charity Arts 4 Dementia (check them out)! You can read more here in their blog.